All surgery carries risk – both during the procedure itself and in the postoperative care period. Harm can arise not only from a surgeon’s negligence during surgery but due to failures by doctors and nurses to carefully monitor a patient for abnormal symptoms and problems after an operation. In the tragic case of Jacky Oh, it appears from the reporting that there may have been undiagnosed and untreated brain swelling and postoperative bleeding that was exacerbated by a nurse’s instruction to take a blood thinning anti-inflammatory medication. As it pertains to this case, however, a careful investigation of Jacky Oh’s medical care would be necessary to determine whether medical negligence caused or contributed to her untimely death. This cannot be reliably inferred merely from news reports but would require a very detailed review of her medical records by highly qualified experts.
However, good post-operative care and management of a patient is critical to achieving a safe and good outcome in any type of surgery. Especially where cosmetic surgery is concerned, there has been a concerning proliferation of outpatient plastic surgery centers at which large volumes of patients are treated by certain physicians with a “cut and run” approach. These chop shops charge a lot, monitor little and insure themselves against malpractice not at all. Far too many of these plastic surgery clinics and the doctors they employ carry no medical malpractice insurance. So, when someone is catastrophically injured or killed due to negligence, holding these centers accountable for the harm they have caused can be difficult.
It is, therefore, essential to research your doctors and medical facilities carefully, ask questions about the care you are receiving all along the way and, when possible, consider selecting doctors who carry malpractice insurance. In Florida, doctors are not required to carry malpractice insurance but are supposed to set aside funds to cover incidents of malpractice. In many instances, they simply elect not to comply with their financial obligations in this regard and, instead, opt to have robust asset protection that insulates them from having to pay malpractice claims. By law, though, when doctors elect to “go bare” and have no coverage, they must post a conspicuous sign in their offices that they have made the decision to be uninsured.
Holding negligent hospitals, clinics, doctors, and other healthcare providers fully accountable for medical malpractice requires highly experienced and skilled medical malpractice attorneys to carefully evaluate your legal rights and to vigorously pursue legally viable claims. So, if you or a loved one has been harmed by medical malpractice, call Boyers Law Group today for a free legal consultation regarding your rights. Our lawyers have been successfully advocating for clients seriously injured by medical malpractice in Miami and throughout Florida for over 25 years. Your time to bring a claim is limited, so it is important that you contact us today to protect your legal rights.